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LLMM 2018

In its ongoing efforts to educate about Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) and about controlling its spread, your Long Lake Stewardship Committee would like to produce a map for all residents that shows dense beds of EWM. Activity through milfoil leads to fragmentation and spread; therefore, knowing the locations and approximate size of milfoil beds should help us avoid them.

We need your help!

THE PLAN - Two weeks of milfoil mapping, Sunday, July 22 - Saturday, August 4

  • Teams of volunteers will be assigned to survey segments of the lake by boat.

  • Each team will have enlarged maps of adjoining sections of the lake on which the GPS coordinates of each EWM bed will be recorded and the perimeter of each bed drawn.

  • Volunteers will be trained on the Rake Toss Method for pulling up samples of EWM and rating the density. Taylor Menard, Coordinator of the CGS Lake Quality Program, will also train volunteers to recognize EWM from other aquatic plants including Northern Milfoil (noninvasive).

  • GPS devices will be provided.

  • Each boat will need a team of 4: driver; raker; photographer; recorder of GPS coordinates of milfoil bed onto map

  • Each team will map approximately six of the lake’s 60 sections within the 2-week timeframe.

  • The individual maps will be scanned and digitally compiled into one overall map of Long Lake.

  • This map will be shared with lake residents via our LLS email contact list.


* Can you contribute a few hours to work with a team?

* Do you have a boat to offer?

* Can you attend the Training Session Tuesday, June 26 at 7 p.m. at the Living With Lakes Centre on Ramsey Lake Road?

* Please indicate your interest by replying to

by Thursday, June 21 *

To be further informed about Eurasian Water Milfoil and the project, please read the summary here.

Thank you for supporting the stewardship of LongLake‼️

Your LLSC Committee - Scott, Lori, Mary, Sandi, Forbes, Susan, Richard, Bill

Long Lake . . . Ours to love . . . Ours to protect!

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