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The Long Lake Stewardship Committee is having a photo contest.  

Enter your best Long Lake pictures!

Contest Rules and Requirements:


1. There will be two categories: photographers under 18 years old, and photographers 18 years old and older.


2. There is no requirement as to when the photos were taken; however, they cannot have been submitted to other contests or published elsewhere. This does not prevent photos that have been posted on social media by the photographer or their family from being submitted.


3. The photos shall be of Long Lake or its environs that would be understood as associated with Long Lake. The submission is to include the location where the photo was taken and may, but need not, include the date or approximate date. 


4. The person submitting is responsible for ensuring that they have rights to the photo. Only the photographer or the photographer’s parent/guardian may submit photos. By submitting a photo, the submitter is authorizing the Long Lake Stewardship Committee to post, publish, and distribute it as it sees fit, including at public events, while acknowledging the photographer should they wish.


5. For a photo in which a person is recognizable, the photographer must have their written permission or, in the case of a minor, the written permission of a parent/guardian. If the consent is missing, the photographer will be so advised and invited to correct the omission. In addition, photographs may be rejected for reasons of decency.


6. Each person may submit up to five photos in ANY format, with a minimum resolution of 1080p (1920p x 1080p), and there is no max size. If the image is too blurry (due to bad resolutions), the photographer will be so advised and invited to resubmit. Although Stewardship Committee members may submit photos, they and their spouses and immediate families are ineligible as winners or runners-up.


7. The photos are to be submitted electronically to by September 1, 2022. If they comply with the contest rules, they will be posted on the Stewardship website for public viewing. 


8. There will be a jury of photographers who are not members of the Stewardship, who will select a winner and a runner-up in each category. The photos will be evaluated for their overall impact, creativity, and ability to tell a story about the lake and its environs.  The winners and runners-up will be announced in the LLS News and on the LLS website by the end of September, 2022.  


9. The prizes will be:

1st  prize each category - $250 gift certificate at Ramakko’s

2nd prize adult category - a 3-dimensional map of Long Lake 

2nd prize 18 yr and younger - $100 gift certificate at Ramakko’s


Long Lake…Ours to Love…Ours to Protect!


4204 Long Lake Road  
Sudbury, ON  P3G 1K2

(705) 674-8139


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